Are you like 258,427 other consumers? I hope you said "No!" This is not a group that you want to be a part of! According to a report put out in February 2008 by the Federal Trade Commission, 258,427 is the number of Identity Theft complaints that were filed with the FTC last year. That number makes up 32% of the total number of complaints received!
Since the FTC gathers data from over 125 other organizations, this number is a pretty accurate representation of what is going on out there. The most amazing fact is that 65% of these victims did not even file a police report!
The FTC report ranked all of the states in order of number of complaints. The metropolitan areas with the highest per capita rates of reported consumer fraud complaints are Albany-Lebanon, Oregon; Greeley, Colorado; and Napa, California.
So what were all of these people complaining about? Credit card fraud (23%) was the most common form of reported identity theft, followed by phone or utilities fraud (18%), employment fraud (14%), government documents/benefits fraud (11%), loan fraud (5%), and bank fraud (13%).
Electronic fund transfer-related identity theft continues to be the most frequently reported type of identity theft bank fraud during calendar year 2007.
If you use any of these forms of money or information transfer be sure you know who you are dealing with. Never send money or personal information to someone you do not have full and verifiable identification for. How can you do that? If they call you find out how you can call them back. If you call them, get as much identifying information as you can and ask to speak to a supervisor. That is not fool proof but it helps. Also, in most states it is legal to tape conversations with only one party consenting. Try telling them that you are going to record the call for your own safety. If they decline, be suspicious, after all most of them are recording you!