วันอังคารที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Colorado Social Security Income Lawyer Social Security Attorney - SSD Benefits- CO

Visit www.socialsecuritydisability.com; its an easy way to have your supplemental security income claim reviewed by a social security lawyer. How disabled do I have to be to get SSD/ SSI Benefits? The answer depends on a number of variables including your age your education your prior work experience. The older you are the easier it is to win. Let me give you an example. A construction worker whos over fifty years old with one bad knee could be in incredibly good health except for his one bad knee which makes him unable to stand up all day. Under the Social Security Disability ( SSD ) Law he can probably win his case. A fifty year old office worker with one bad knee no matter even if its been replaced and has had several surgeries is unlikely to win with a bad knee because they can do your past work. So an issue is always can you do your past work? So the easier the type of job you have the more sedentary the more disabled you will have to be. So the answer is to how disables you have to be is not real simple. But generally speaking the more educated you are, the younger you are, and the easier from a physical or mental standpoint the work youve done the harder it will be to get Social Security Disability or SSI benefits. AnSocial Security Disability ( SSD ) lawyer represents disabled persons on a no fee if no recovery basis. Obtaining Colorado social security disability benefits is a right you have if you are a citizen and you qualify to be disabled under the social ...


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